That is enforcement that protects the lives of people unless someone wants to be the meal of a hungry polar bear. Most public pools have vending machines that sell microscopic swimwear in any color you want.[5]. If you allow it while you're in Arizona, you're a criminal. They have set up designated areas for people to play with water. Mount Washington features rare alpine plants such as Greenland sandwort, Labrador tea, alpine bearberry, dwarf cinquefoil, dwarf birch, willow, and balsam fir. A barn? He said, If the police are fair dinkum about protecting people in pubs and clubs, why dont they target the real issues instead?. Greenland is one of the best locations in the world to view the dancing Northern lights. Beer They were dark years in an already dark. Let's begin with one of the most frequently cited state laws, which reportedly requires that "all apple pie in Wisconsin must be served with a slice of cheese on it.". 51. The reason for this law comes down to respect for cultural traditions. Moose aren't allowed on the sidewalk. Smile Or Spend Time In Jail. The Different Types of Stupid Laws The Dumbest Laws of California The Silliest English Laws You Won't Believe these Funny Laws America's Short Mistake of Prohibition 33. 2) In California, i.e. The law applies also to trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, freshwater fish, and any other fish specified for the purpose.. In other words, the law implies that no atheists are allowed to run. A previous version of this article was co-authored by Christina Sterbenz. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider It is a step toward full independence from Danish rule. Otherwise, it is a crime of the third degree.. But if you do find yourself swapping goods or services for your precious bundle, it's only a misdemeanor, which is usually punished less harshly than felonies, according to the Pennsylvania State Legislature. Which means that in rape cases, both the victim and the perpetrator could end up being charged with the same crime. In South Berwick, Maine, the parking lot was perpetually jam-packed. Enjoy this collection of funny, stupid and often bizarre laws from South America. Its not like it was the couches fault. Thus, the forms of transport available for travelling long distances are boats and air. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a little questionable, weird or just plain dumb. Law or not, that's a pretty good rule of thumb to follow. Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? However, the law is allowed under "life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival," according to the Idaho State Legislature. 60. 1. This country was named in this manner to attract settlers so that these raiders could benefit by warring with approaching settlers ships. Cradle of aviation: US has the worlds first Soviet Architecture: concrete panel and brick Khrushchyovkas, Postcards from 19th-century illustrators depicting the future. In Montana, proxy weddings are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. In 2007, the Chinese government banned Buddhists from reincarnating without prior written authorization in an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation., However, the law would allow the Chinese a say in the next reincarnation of the most important Living Buddha when the current Dalai Lama dies. Final verdict: Sounds great, doesnt it? When you're driving in Bolivia and other countries in South . The ban on porch couches is still active in 2021. 27. Denmark upholds the annual block grant of 3.2 billion Danish kroner, but as Greenland begins to collect revenues of its natural resources the grant will gradually be diminished. Tourists and jockeys compete to see how far their frogs can leap. In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for any woman to drive a car. Only in America would a donut chain require a new law like this to be written. 51. Like most governments, the Germans were anxious to ensure that children were not bullied at school. We start our weird laws in Nevada list with a kiss. He went with the name Greenland to make it sound all fuzzy to people back in Europe because in order to start a successful settlement, he needed a lot of settlers willing to migrate there. At Far & Wide, we try to be law-abiding citizens. Vikings reached the island in the 10th century from Iceland; Danish colonization began in the 18th century, and Greenland became an integral part of the Danish Realm in 1953. 29. Section 365 of the Criminal Code provided that " [e]very one who fraudulently pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction." Supposedly, the reason for the rule is hygiene. Although the tight swimsuits may not always be flattering, they are unlikely to have been worn outside on the streets. However, less than one-half is totally fine. Protect your cows - another one of the strange laws in Ireland. Every state has it's weird laws, and Pennsylvania is no exception!----Patreon----Do you want early access to my content and other benefits?Sign up at www.pat. Colorado ski resorts pay private companies to burn silver iodide on the slopes. However, nothing saved the lovely little houses as an avalanche took momentum back in 2015 and wiped out almost the entire center of the settlement. This crazy law in Georgia was passed in jest, but it's still on the books. In 2016, the state Supreme Court scrapped the archaic law from the books, effectively dismantling this ridiculous law, according to Sante Fe New Mexican. Apparently, they cause an obstruction.[6]. Where this law exists: Rockville, Maryland. Sending someone a pizza can cost way more than the delivery fee but only if you do it wrong. This particular Florida law states that "no person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.". hamburg_berlin/Shutterstock Though this New Hampshire law might seem strange, marine plants and algae are routinely used to make fertilizer and animal feed, which gives it value. 24. During summer, from mid-May to mid-July the sun does not completely set even though the bright daylight gets converted to warm hues in the evening. 32. The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, while the worlds northernmost town that has more than a thousand permanent residents is Longyearbyen and it belongs to Norway. The organization was created in 1997 to promote certain agricultural industries, according to the State Historical Society of North Dakota. It's a bear, it's a moose it's a Sasquatch! Regardless, next time you camp in Minnesota, make sure to hose off your tires if youve taken an off-roading expedition. However, her spokesman suggested that the police concentrate on more serious crimes. In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. State laws: 1. Ain't no poking fun at this one. Who stole enough seafood for this to be worth making a weird law about? In Hartford, it's illegal to collect "rags, paper, glass, old metal, junk, cinders or other waste matter in the city" without a license, according to Municode. In Britain it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the monarchs head upside down on an envelope. In Victoria, Australia, it's been illegal to fly a kite since 1966. #6- Air and boat travel Image Source:Wikimedia No "Bat Signals" (or any other beacon) allowed in the sky. Men With Moustaches Can't Kissing Women. Listed below are 10 interesting facts about Greenland. That's why you need to know about some of the weirdest laws that you might break completely by accident. Hello everybody this is Ethan welcome back to another episode of Unique Facts And Weird Laws. If a person litters three times, they must clean the streets wearing a bib that reads Im a litterer. Even pharmacists who sell the medical gum and forget to ID get two years in jail. When it refers to "ugly" people, it's really referring to those with disfiguring disabilities, particularly minorities. 56. It has become a tradition to use water pistols during New Years celebrations. Plus the cost of the pizza. Some items can't be sold on Sundays. Why? 1. In Britain it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances. This place also has some more features counted as per the northernmost, such as the local church, museum, radio station, airport, university, etc. Anyone who violates this will face a misdemeanor charge, according to Washington State Legislature. Some even consider the animal a modern-day unicorn. You can still dress up for the holiday, theater productions and emergency drills. 1. Is it the end of an era for the University RE: the myths about Skopjes Old Bazaar district. Though most of these laws sound incredibly dumb now, once they've had, or still does have, a real pretense. The ruling has been challenged by nature lovers, but the Swiss high court agreed that the government had the right to uphold public decency.. Final verdict: And it's illegal to honk in front of any sandwich shop, not just a Subway chain restaurant. Anyone "pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palm reading or any other scheme, practice or device" can be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $500, or even serve time in jail, according to Maryland State Legislature. 63. People used to set up bear-wrestling rings. 42. Gambling at a home poker game is illegal in Belgium. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. In Britain, oddly enough it is illegal to be drunk in the pub. However, while it's no longer officially illegal for anyone to use vulgar or obscene language in the presence of two or more people, people still can't display obscene stickers, paintings, decals, or emblems in public on motor vehicles or clothing. This allowance does not apply in high-stakes Beano, which, apparently, is also a thing. 7. Height, weight, glasses, funny haircuts, okay. 48. A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. There are truly some wacky laws out there There are truly some wacky laws out there. The purpose of most legislation is to promote acceptable behavior and to prevent or punish unacceptable behavior. Students at the University of Colorado kept getting too lit at frat parties (pun intended). How about laws in retrograde. Beating a Carpet on the Street. Final verdict: Nevada takes itself a little too seriously sometimes. For instance, in the city of Rockville (the county seat of Montgomery County), it is illegal to swear while on the highway. Body studios are illegal. The Georgia Department of Agriculture law protects llama owners from liability in the event of harm or death with few exceptions. Here are 13 weird laws in Ohio that we are willing to bet you didn't know about. The law has been in place since 1903. Legal drinking age, stolen fish: 5 weird Ohio laws you probably didn't know existed. 41. It was probably written in the 1800's and forgotten since. A device called ashoe-fitting fluoroscope, also known as a pedoscope or foot-o-scope, could expose the patient to radiation. It was enacted in the 1970s to essentially label horses as vehicles. Its basically a cow with toothpicks for legs. In the past few years Iceland and Norway have also adopted this law. In parts of India, a man who is in debt can offer up his wife until the debt is paid. In Athens-Clarke County, adult bookstores may not sell alcohol. Its fine for them to take a bath in one, though. In Singapore, selling non-medical chewing gum or chewing normal gum is a fine of $1000. Specifically, they dont want kids to be teased because of their names. But North Dakota obviously decided it needed a more state-focused group for celebrating chickpeas, lentils, and lupins. They dont like that in Australia. However, if you want to use one in Cambodia, you are likely to be disappointed or get into trouble. on Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? Final verdict: The point of this weird law was to help bolster state art agencies. Acworth retaliated saying all of their citizens needed a rake. Nevertheless, the Chinese government is determined to participate in the process of choosing the next Dalai Lama and thus in just how he intends to help humanity. In 2002, the vice governor of Phnom Penh said, We will not allow people to use [water pistols] because our nation is now peaceful, and if we let people play with them, it will look bad., The Cambodian authorities are not complete killjoys, however. So we might think its a good thing that councillors give careful consideration to any mascots that they might put on a playground. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. Greenland is a unique land with exquisite and exotic flora and fauna. Other strange driving laws in America include: You can't wash your neighbour's car without permission in Los Angeles. Yes, it's illegal for a drunk person to enter a bar in Alaska. 2. 40 Weird Laws in the U.S By Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on July 15, 2021 Candice Lane / Facebook At Far & Wide, we try to be law-abiding citizens. It stated that no landlord could demand back money owed for booze. To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. We've all heard urban legends and rumors about absurd laws in America, but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. All countries have their set of weird customs and laws and Iceland is no exception. In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. This one confounds me. Though the subject has been reviewed in the French parliament several times since then, the law has not been repealed and is still strictly enforced. 25. Final verdict: This is one of the weirdest U.S. laws because its almost entirely pointless. It must also be a recognized name. People called out the law as hypocritical and unfair since there was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. However, what makes this law even stranger is that it is illegal to do this only on Sundays. And, yes, two men were fined for having woefully floppy pickles. There may be individual rental contracts or house rules which include this regulation, but there is in fact no national German law about this. That's why you need to know about some of the weirdest laws that you might break completely by accident. A popular law passed in England prohibits people to die in the House of Parliament. In Canada, it's now legal to engage in oral sex with your pet. 38. Tons of people flocked to the city in search of gold, but few struck it rich. Thats just not right. We don't know why exactly many of them were created, but we do know everyone could use . The law originated during the 1860s, when San Francisco was at the center of the California Gold Rush. Sadly, despite the law's prevalence among weird-law lists, the law itself is just a myth. Final verdict: This is one of those weird laws that has no clear explanation. In France, it is stated as illegal to marry a dead person. We're talking about law-breaking criminals, right? 31. Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Netflix. On a great big beach. Writer at Thought Catalog. Three town residents must attest in writing that the animal is loose, and its owner must fail to reclaim or confine the beast after notice is given, according to Missouri State Legislature. Why would there be that much honking happening at 9 p.m.? So, the government has instituted a policy of allowing only approved names to be entered on German birth certificates. The statute aims to prohibit machines that encourage gambling, according to the Arkansas State Legislature. Good to know. In Hong Kong, theres a law that allows a wife to kill her husband if she finds him cheating. 1. Hopefully, you do, too. In Victoria, Australia, it is illegal to change a light bulb unless youre a licensed electrician. 16 Things You Should Know If Your Significant Other Has CrohnsDisease, 21 Men And Women Share What Its Actually Like To Live Under ShariaLaw, Heres The Most Notorious Murder From EveryState, Here Is The Most Haunted Location In EveryState, 50 Of The Goofiest, Wackiest, And Absolutely Nuttiest Sex Laws From Around The World(NSFW), From Ancient Theater To Modern Drag: 100+ Stunning Historical Images That Document The Timeline Of LGBTHistory. Only about one in every 30,000 deer is born albino. 21. According to Wyoming State Legislature, violations are felony offenses punishable by up to five years in prison. This includes a selection of both past and current laws. Anyone outside those positions is guilty of a third-degree felony, according to the Utah State Legislature. Even though the country doesnt have a large obesity problem, Japan decided to take a proactive approach to the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.