My grandmother had two blue books both labeled sealed portion (vol 1-vol-2) in gold writing similar to the navy blue book of Mormon in appearance. Because our parents know ahead of time what our reactions will be to these earthly circumstances, they are understanding when we do commit errors (or acts of sin). He wanted to tell the world on June 16th. Whats happened in this world. To think he would be lying when it just makes him look bad, is ridiculous. He carefully lead them to embrace that there is no Christ. The church teaches gender makes people different but that they are still equal. Now that, my friend, is truly accepting personal responsibility. In addition, when you read, you do not feel the spirit like when you read the Book O Mormon. It is true there are places in Christophers work that state we wont be held responsible for our actions, but that is because the purpose of mortality is to get things wrong (and to experience opposition) so we can appreciate a perfect existence and society when we become resurrected. prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. It brings me no joy to have this confrontation with you. The Book of Mormon theme clearly states it is the lesser things of God and that we must ask the Father in the name of Christ for these things or they will not be given and we will be cut off in these last days. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. The kind of problem that puts weapons in the hands of a child so he can feed his family in pride. The only preach for material gain and the glory of men. Her madness was manifested to try to condition me to stop exposing her. Does God require authority to act in his name? In fact many men have, but some truly are inspired and see no light of day in the church. prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. . Both state we are ultimately responsible for the decisions we make in this life. Mortal human nature is our biggest enemy. Yet you use them to interpret real truth. Even if J. Smith made up the BOM or was lead by a spirit to write it. That is interesting.not exactly in line with the group's official peace and everything else policy, if he is a believer, imo. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. No measurement. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. However, reading that fantastic books can lead to real truth if one were to search for it. How fortunate Marilyn is to have seen, felt and been injected by her guardian angel! says Angstrom Troubadour, Ph.D. We all have personal angels by our side, watching over and caring for us. , these members realized how important the, were to the salvation of the human race. of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. Without this harmony and peace between one another, the only possible outcome is contention. But the similarities stop there. Leaving the church, really? Still feels like talking in circles. and set themselves up for a light I think this is the most amazing book I have ever read. I was able to converse with him among my peers. If drinking and smoking and not being married to your sexual partner is what makes you happy then no church should tell you otherwise. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a man dressed in white with a gentle smile and sleepy eyes standing at the foot of my bed! (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at Holy Ghost. That action is called repentance, restitution, guilt to correct or apologize. Criticizes the leadership Doctrine and Covenants / Pearl of Great Price, Mormon Objections to Christian Evangelism, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, bearer of the message of Christ to all the world., Latter-day Saint Visionaries and Would-Be Prophets, Effectively sharing with someone from the Community of Christ. The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Just because we dont end up with the power of creation, doesnt mean we arent equal to those that do. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. For me, that angel is Ronald Reagan. Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. That makes him more honest than the prophets. Categories Acts against humanity (or sin) destroy innocence. If you can't immediately see that, you should take a long study of former and current cult leaders and make a reassessment. That should be hint enough that no immortal resurrected divine being is of greater importance than that of another. arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts That is the whole basis for WAR. Upon reading The Sealed Portion, these members realized how important the Book of Mormon and The Sealed Portion were to the salvation of the human race. So your whole premise is false. There are two forces in conflict among mankind. I am not going to explain anything else about what I have been asked to do. But wont it be even more important that we treat others well and without contention regardless of our differences? For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. They find happiness in their own faith, but the rest of the world condemns them with America leading this mistrust as an excuse to fuel military aggression. He at least claimed it was divine scripture from god and stated that it was a True Book. Nemelka is the anti-Christ of the LDS Church., Why would you have one book to get it started (Book of Mormon), then one book to tear it down (Sealed Portion)? (Chris Hansen), It was like peeling back the layers of an onion in order to get to the core of rationality. There was no rationality to be had. (Raniere), The Sealed Portionis to counter the Book of Mormon. -Christopher Nemelka. You have the agency to make your own choices and will be held accountable for those choices. Its about foreigners (Romans) that land on the American continent, yes. I would challenge anyone to show me how its false. How about giving them free food and housing and health care and education? Your Question: He always has been, He always will be.. That being said, if we got our facts wrong, let us know and provide a source for your correction. The prophets have always known more that they tell. While both Christ and Smith tried to give their people real truth, it was rejected by their peers so they gave them something they were more able to accept based upon biblical scripture as theyd been taught in previous generations. Vessels, to explain the importance and controversy surrounding this event. I guess that would be pretty flattering to me, but that is not my desire at all. Should we fight against it and learn to control it, or should we blame Satan instead? But to your understanding, because of the God you believe in, I would consider it an inspired book in your case. Welcome to the SEALED-NOT or "It is not the Sealed Portion" web site. All the individuals who go to church, from what I have heard from various testimonies, were those who still accepted the Sealed Portion as ultimate truth. The Celestial Kingdom is the kingdom where we receive the greatest gifts and power, but truthfully all kingdoms are equal to one another, no one kingdom is better than another. Its been there all along, I am not hiding behind a cover name. Dont mistake my disclosure of the truth that I believe as aggression, except when I respond to what I perceive as an attack. If anyone one has any information concerning the original sealed portion please comment below it will be greatly appreciated, thanks . After The Sealed Portion was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a sealed, greater portion to their new American scripture. Put your faith into something less stupid, plenty of other things get persecuted. I agree the church teaches some beautiful values and a good way to live. At the ti. That will hold you in a lower kingdom where you cannot progress, which validates Lucifers original position, its too hard, they can success and I will prove it. The Spirit communicates to us in ways we understand. A visual guide to the lost artifacts, doctrines, superstitions, events, and characters of Mormonism. Sometimes, when I meditate on that moment, I can still see the man in white with bloodshot eyes, and I know he is my guardian angel. I am not going to explain anything else about what I have been asked to do. That is why when we return to our original transgressions it all comes upon us again. The LDS church believes what they do is justified with evidence of persecution like Smiths martyrdom. Maybe because of the reason the book said!. flesh his arm. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. Plays down revelation and the truth it presents Perhaps instead of praying for a miracle for Christ to come, we should instead care for those around us as our brothers and sisters? It is true many of us as mortal adults realize our error (and sin), but an equal number of people do not. priestcrafts are that men preach Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. Here, Nemelka made his appearance and proceeded to explain the significance of June 16 and his personal visitation by Joseph Smith in the Salt Lake temple in 1987. Why does anyone expect to believe the Lord would use a 15 year old boy to bring to awareness something as different as the Book of Mormon was in that day and not a grown man to continue that work? If we have no prophets to follow, which Christopher does not claim in any way, we only have ourselves to be responsible for our own actions. In the course of my association with them, my mentors made sure that, through me, they accomplished all of the prophecies they incorporated into their new American scripture. Even if Mark Twain had some good principles in Huckleberry Finn, its not scripture, and never claimed to be. It is that challenge that creates an eternal stability and appreciation for our eternal existence. I can do no more except finish what they have asked me to do. That is what Korihor said. I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. (LogOut/ Josephs mission was to do one thing, and one thing only, to counterbalance the biblical world that transformed our world into one of arrogance, pride, hate, bigotry, and inequality.. I can see how his plan was very appealing to a third of the host. These so-called excommunicated for being curious people should really just leave the church of their own free will. These advanced human beings are gonna show up and theyre gonna go, Whoa! But these advanced human beings are not going to get into philosophical debates with them. I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. Since that time, I have slept peacefully every night and fully recovered from the cancer. Can you not see how strange that sounds to a person who beileves in and eternal god that has given us scripture as one of the guides in our lives? I have seen Christopher counsel them in a way that suggests they need to respect the realities of those around them and not proselyte if not directly asked to by their family and friends. Lebaron and Nemelka even established themselves a prophetic calling and created church organizations of their own. I have felt the Holy Ghost on many occasions and I was not deep in scripture study. If you can justify a defense of your belief, then so can the other side that believes different from you. Christopher intended for Human Reality-Who We Are and Why We . We will be placed in kingdom that is best suited for each of us. It is an explanation of things as they. And so, like little children, know little more as adults, therefore proving ourselves truly to be like little children despite our outward appearance of being adults and wise ones. 5.0 out of 5 stars Comment From Its Author, Christopher. The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. Court Findings. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the Book of Mormon prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. That is an oppositional attitude. I find it absolutely remarkable that you think the BOM is a fiction inspired by the Holy Ghost. Actually, by removing the first 4 above, in greatly enhances personal responsibility. Your Name? For all I know, the God you pray to each night confirms your activity in the church and the doctrines that you follow. His idea of what a friend is was flawed. Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati that is based on religion. His writings can be found at When the American people ignored the, of the plates. And because America is a Christian nation, it is all in the name of God, and former presidents have even said as much. Salt Lake City, UT 84121-1022 West Valley City, UT 84119-1883 Murray, UT 84121-1022 You dont understand the difference between real truth and normal truth of this world. To leave the church means there is no place to go. Through me and the message they have instructed me to give to the world, the warnings have been given; and these warnings have been ignored. What does it matter if the stories are true when they teach real lessons and were truly inspired? Your own message are intensely compact with many ideas that could create whole other conversations. That is, show us real truth. It was convoluted when it came out in their little Catholic New Testament this way, The Kingdom of God is within you. Christ taught the people that the universe revolves around you each one of us. For their actions towards each other. His name is Christopher Marc Nemelka. act for himself save it should be Ancient writings are not the only way to discover truth. We have ancestors that we can trace back to Joseph Smith and recent forebears who converted to this new faith. 1. all men were on a equal grounds. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the. You state only children cannot judge between what is right and wrong. Neither work is religious. Its pretty clear that you can see these two positions play out in peoples lives and in the politics they embrace. People, by their own natures, are overall good and want whats best for others. Much of what your saying about withholding truth and twisting the fullness of truth to excuse the prophets is exactly how Christopher operates. Christopher doesnt need me. On June 16, 2010, a press conference was called in the southwest corner of the cemetery to dedicate the controversial headstone. With the understanding that most men do not have the fullness of the everlasting gospel to guide them, most men will not be held accountable for their actions. Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. Why is it that one person thinks theyre right, and the other person thinks theyre right? trust in man, or maketh flesh his He, like Smith, claimed God gave him a book(s) to write. I remember around 30 years ago and those old copies where very close If not exactly matches to the replicas that the impostor Christopher claims to have translated. All that good/evil stuff is true to a point, but I dont really know your point. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. Upon reading The Sealed Portion with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. Christopher Nemelka. Doesnt really matter how Christopher wrote it, Book is not True. Repentance will lead us back to innocence whereas justification leads us back to sin and ultimate damnation. We call this understanding the Real Truth. It is very honest about the work and how it actually occurred. Im almost 50 and they grow to 30 for men, early 20s for women, and they stop growing, and they dont age. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom if the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. The former is a categorical denial of service that is deeply problematic. on Christopher Nemelka: My Guardian Angel, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), New Wikileaks emails confirm Clinton brass twiddled the knobs of DNC outcome, Internet Chronicle exclusive: nonchalantly_ on poetry, voice and conviction, Your Anon Central Intelligence Agency: sitting out another defcon, 4th of July Radio Show of Power feat. He also would rather goes to prison than support his five children from a previous marriage. Will there be a judgement day for each of us? But when I started to defend myself and my beliefs, he became a ravening wolf devoid of the Spirit. It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. My grandmother had acquired these books from her sister who was a devoted Mormon after she passed away. Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. Sch ni TIM NAIL VIT Claudette Varnado Ti xung nghe tp m thanh sch Most of the world's misery is caused by those who are misled by the Bible's teachings and also by those who interpret and teach their followers that it is the ultimate "word of God." It is NOT the word of God. Jonah and the whale is another. IF you read the BOM and the Seal Portion Text, ask yourself which position is being espoused in these books. Honestly, I am not offended by any of the red flags the makers of this website seem to think are so terrible. Let me ask you a question for the second time. Good chooses not to associate with evil, evil despises the presence of good. Or do they instead do their best to convince their whole congregation they have been fooled by Satan just as you are doing with me? Muslims are seen as radical religious nuts. In fact, baptism does not always lead to success as Im sure youve seen. So I dont really believe that you wish to talk to me without purpose of eventual conversion, when the church teaches you must, at the very least, convert my heart to Christ, and baptism into the church as a secondary goal as the current general authorities instruct. But this claim pales in comparison to Christopher Marc Nemelkas belief that he is the reincarnated Hyrum Smith, the brother of Mormonisms founder, Joseph Smith. Why are we wasting time with it. Maybe you are right, not everyone is equal. On March 11, Nemelka had dinner at a friend's home on Red Sage Court in Millcreek,. I agree that the leaders of the church make mistakes and errors. A few weeks earlier, two young men, full-time missionaries of the church formerly known as the LDS/Mormon Church, were living with my former wife and me. True or not true, the stories in the Book of Mormon help you understand the principles of your church dont they? . But loving everyone never told us to accept evil or sin. In the pre-mortal life (or during our foundationalization process) we were all innocent and therefore had to undergo opposition and how life should not be so that we could appreciate what Christ taught us in the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. the laborer in Zion to perish. As long as they still respect my God, though I do not disclose who I really am for their acceptance, I am in the wonderful position to accept them. my rock and mine everlasting God. Many leaders in these various sects wrote their own scriptures through revelation. Anti Christopher (Lock him up and throw away the key) He does not get what life is all about). They really just keep to themselves. He would say we must follow him and leave others behind. I know whats going on. It is a main theme to the Book of Mormon! Take a look at my email, its my name. Because his mandate is different than any other prophet or messenger before him, his job is to reveal real truth regardless of the rejection or how people think of it. 20 Wo unto them that call evil If the prophets can do the same, they lie no more than I. If God himself rejects darkness, his judgement, it doesnt mean we need to confront others. If you want to talk about hypocrisy, what about saying that the Father loves each and every child of God but uses the church as an excuse to shun gays? This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Thats right, many LDS members have taken the anti-Mormon role spreading hate about a belief system they understand little about, they represent well their hate and likely fear of his work publicly. DAILY BLOG Archives - Page 3 of 28 - Christopher Nemelka Skip to content Toggle Navigation Home Books Journal Videos Livestream Personal History Videos DAILY BLOG COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence COFFEE WITH CHRISTOPHER Explaining how important the MWAW is to human existence Thats another part of the Lucifer plan. I will accomplish this through a series of discussions published as The REAL TRUTH ZEITGEIST. It is right for me. Evil is good and good is evil. The church speaks of temporal blessings often more than spiritual ones, because after all, arent we all glad we can eat and drink and have shelter and feel safe each day? Responding to each in detail would make my posts even longer. He says, I know these advanced human beings. Its a free world. Germany felt they were attacked by an unfair peace agreement. Based on what we both believe, It was removed for repairs but has since been replaced. Christopher Nemelka had been granted custody in the couple's 1986 divorce in Utah. Our military allows Israel to destroy Muslims when Israel doesnt believe in Christ and should be considered equal sinners in the eyes of a Christian. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the Book of Mormon in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. I believe it was first published in the 1970s possible earlier. 11 For there was a law that men I will continue to live until I have completed my mission and the role that I have chosen for myself as a mortal experiencing life upon this earth. The Book of Mormon was the unsealed portion of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. To me this is evidence of a cover up , so I ask the question why ? A reworked version of Solomon Spauldings Manuscript Found thanks to Sydney Rigdon. The final phase of my role is to explain the Real Truth about the universe, this world, and the individual person. A psychopath is kind of like a person who is colorblind. You have to decide if you are being honest. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. But I dont exactly hold them blameless either. Welcome to the SEALED-NOT or It is not the Sealed Portion web site. Accountability from the LDS understanding to the understanding in Christophers work is not the problem. They are mortal and they make mistakes. But our own pride causes us to reject these truths and we instead assume our forefathers to be righteous and inspired in the laws that they passed. MILLCREEK It has been four months since investigators say Linda Nemelka was shot and killed in her car. Maybe you should go back to the Mormon Novel about the characters in the BOM that wanted to destroy each other because they were full of rage and anger. The works of the group mentioned above can be found and downloaded free of charge at the following websites: And Moses 7: The works of the group mentioned above can be found and downloaded free of charge at the following websites: What is the purpose of the atonement? You do understand frame of reference dont you?